         時光荏苒,歲月如梭,佛教葉紀南紀念中學今年迎來了四十周年校慶,四十年的歷程,凝聚了不少老師的辛勞、學生的努力和家長的期望,見證了學校自強不息的輝煌。 學校從無到有,從初創到現今四十載,「葉紀南」確實蘊育無數社會菁英,各自為社會服務,不少校友亦能承傳校訓:【明智顯悲】以「自利利他」的做人態度回饋社會,對香港發展作出貢獻。 所以我很想藉著四十周年校慶,好好讓各位嘉賓、校友、老師、家長及同學們聚首一堂,分享與學校一同成長的成果。


 學校以「傳承、奮進、感恩」為校慶主題,希望所有師生都能傳承學校的傳統,在未來日子繼續努力奮進; 並懷著感恩的心,感謝及珍惜身邊每一個人。猶記得九月初的校慶啟動禮中,全校師生在球場合力併出「YKN40」,場面十分壯觀,並清楚表達了一個訊息:全校齊心共同發揚「葉紀南」的精神,共同建設美好的校園。學校為加強推廣閱讀,特別在一月廿六日舉行校慶步行籌款活動籌集資金修繕圖書館。當日早上九時在學校籃球場舉行開步禮,簡單而隆重的儀式後,在嘉賓、家長及校友們的帶領下,由老師陪同各班浩浩蕩蕩步出校門,沿著楓樹窩路、青衣西路,左轉入青康路返回學校。雖然步行時間需要差不多一小時,但是仍可看到各位參與者,不分年齡,團結一致,最終順利完成近千人參與的大型活動,更籌得接近一百萬元的善款,用作改善圖書館環境及設施,提升同學們的學習成效,真是值得欣喜。











9 September 2019

     Time flies, and here comes our 40th school anniversary celebration of YKN. Throughout 40 years, we witness the school’s accomplishments with the joint efforts of students, parents and teachers. Since its establishment, YKN has nurtured a lot of elites in society serving the community. There are also many alumni passing on our school motto: ‘To Illumine Wisdom and Manifest Compassion’, giving back to society with the manner of improving oneself and benefiting others, and making contributions to the development of Hong Kong. Thus, as for the 40th school anniversary celebration, I would like to gather every guest, alumnus, teacher and student together to share with our school’s successes.

     With ‘Heritage, Endeavour, Gratitude’ as the theme of school anniversary celebration, our school would like all students and teachers to pass on its traditions, making efforts to make progress in future. They should also feel grateful to and appreciate everyone around them. I vividly remember the launch ceremony at the beginning of September that all students and teachers formed the words ‘YKN40’ together in the sports ground. Such spectacular view clearly conveys a message: all foster the spirit of ‘YKN’ and build up a good campus together. To promote extensive reading, our school started the school anniversary walkathon on 26 January raising fund for the renovation of the library. A kick-off ceremony was conducted in the basketball court at 9 am that day. After a simple but grand ceremony, every class marched out of the school gate with teachers as led by guests, parents and alumni. They walked along Fung Shue Wo, Tsing Yi Road West, and then turned left to Ching Hong Road and returned to school. Though it took around one hour, all participants, young and old, acted as a team and successfully completed the activity of nearly one thousand people. It raised nearly one million dollars for improving the facilities and environment of the library, enhancing the learning effectiveness of students, which is worth rejoicing.


     The school anniversary ceremony cum inauguration ceremonies of ‘School History Gallery’, ‘Visual Arts Gallery’ and ‘Passing On’ were officiated on 12 April. Our school was honoured to have Professor Lee Chack Fan, Director of the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole of University of Hong Kong, as the officiating guest, with Ven Kuan Yun, President of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, Ven Sik Hin Hung, Supervisor, making the ceremonies dignified. On that day, all the seats at our school hall were filled with students, teachers and guests rejoicing to celebrate the ceremonies. One of the most unforgettable sessions was giving prizes for the 40th school anniversary celebration and the long-term services. When the master of ceremonies read aloud the names of our teachers, the audience burst into thunderous applause, and the scene was so touching that the efforts they had made were paid off. The final celebration event was a vegan banquet organized on 26th June evening. At that night, over 30 tables were reserved for more than 400 guests, alumni and parents. Apart from its spectacular view, there were a lot of varieties in the banquet program, including the inspiring speech by Ven Sik Hin Hung, singing performances by alumni, lucky draw and group photo taking of students and teachers. At the banquet, teachers and alumni reminisced about their school anecdotes together. All students and alumni took pride of being a YKN’s member in an affectionate atmosphere.

     After a series of school anniversary celebration activities, the academic year 2019-2020 is the new start of the 3-year school development plan. Our school will regard students’ positive learning attitudes and value as the major concerns. Looking forward to entering the next chapter, I wish all students and teachers good health and happiness in life!


Mr. So Ka Leung


佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 8,775,821
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
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