        在9月22日學校運動會的初賽那天,還記得早上天氣多雲,並不穩定,間中仍下著驟雨,心裏想著如何令運動會賽事順利完成呢? 我帶著一份擔心,向負責老師了解和溝通,天氣不穩會否影響賽事進行? 真想不到老師竟然淡定地回覆我: 「校長,請你放心吧! 我們飽經風雨,自有應變方法。」我見那老師堅定的語氣,我內心的擔憂稍稍釋懷了。

        早上集隊前,雖然陣雨稍停,也有減弱跡象,但看台及場地上的積水卻影響學生進行比賽,我內心的擔憂又不自覺地湧現,我開始懷疑老師之前對我的回應, 「是否真的不用擔心嗎 ?」、「真的自有應變方法嗎 ?」 我心裏暗自躊躇。竟然,到了賽事開始前,我眼前的運動場上,卻出現了一幕一幕令人感動的片段,更讓我有機會見識「葉紀南精神」,原來我對老師的懷疑只是徒然的。


        雖然經過一場大雨後,看台上及比賽場地濕滑一片,滿地積水,但卻阻不了四社領袖熱心的服務精神,不需要老師的提示,他們也主動和自發地,各自拿起地拖,發揮團隊精神,齊心及有效率地一拖一拉,把看台上的積水拖乾了,務求在賽事開始後,社員可於所屬的位置內有個乾淨地方就座。 而且,其他級別同學,包括入學不足一個月的中一同學們,他們沒有因天雨及場地濕滑而發出半點怨言,他們很安靜地於看台下等候老師的指示,有秩序地和安靜地進行集隊及點名,而服務生亦自動自覺地於不同崗位上協助老師準備賽事,大家目標一致,只是務求運動會能順利進行。同學們沒有因天氣不穩而影響當日比賽的進行,整體的配合充分體驗出葉紀南的 「僕人領袖」精神,這種高尚領袖服務的風範,真是十分值得我們的欣賞和承傳,成為屬於學校的獨特文化和學生素養。




蘇家樑 校長


9 Oct 2017

      Do you remember the preliminary contest of Athletic Meet on 22 September when the weather was so unstable that it was cloudy in the morning with sudden shower, and we all wondered how to complete all events smoothly? Feeling worried, I communicated with the teacher in charge, asking him if the unstable weather affected the events greatly. Out of my expectation, they merely replied to me: 'Principal, take it easy! We do have contingency plan as we are experienced.' With his determination, I felt slightly at ease.

     Before the morning assembly, though the rain had stopped, I was worried again as the stage and the field were so wet that it might affect the sports events. With hesitation, I started to query the teacher about his replies; ‘Is there no need to worry?’ and ‘Is there any contingency plan?’ Not until the events started did I realize that my worries were unnecessary and it also let me understand more about the YKN spirit.

      In fact, what is the YKN spirit?

     Despite the heavy rain and slippery grounds, the captains of the four houses were drying the areas without any teachers’ instructions, trying their best to help every house member have a clean seat before the start of the sports events. Besides, other students, including those S1 students who had not been to school for more than a month, were not feeling kind of grumpy. Instead, they follow the instructions like roll calling and assembling quietly. All helpers got ready for different posts, assisting teachers to start the Athletic Meet. We focused on the same goal, making sure that all sports were smoothly conducted. Our students and events were unaffected by the unstable weather. Such ‘servant leadership’ is worth appreciation and passing on so that it can become our unique school culture and student integrity.

     It is inevitable for us to face failures in life. When we face any difficulties, we should calm down, observing any changes and upholding a positive mindset. As the old saying goes, union is strength. Team power is not only the total number of individuals’ but also synergy effect of ‘1 + 1 = 3’. Thus, with such determination, we will find out the solutions.

     Wish you all the best!

Mr. So Ka Leung


佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
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