作為足球迷,相信對5月8日的歐聯半準決賽結果定會感受良多,因為奇蹟之夜再一次在英超利物浦球隊出現。2005年在伊斯坦堡的歐聯決賽,利物浦在半場落後3球下逼和AC米蘭再奪冠;事隔14年,紅軍在歐聯4強首回合落後3球及陣容不整的種種劣勢下,次回合重返主場上演大逆轉,最後球隊在堅強的意志下,球員及球迷一鼓作氣以4:0大勝西甲勁旅巴塞隆拿,兩回合計總比數4:3反勝,連續兩屆晉身歐聯決賽。 |

首回合利物浦在作客情況下落後0:3,今仗背水一戰有主將沙拿(M.Salah)及法明奴(R.Firmino) 因傷無緣這場關鍵之戰。賽前,不少球壇名宿大多都對利物浦出線前景都非常看淡,甚至稱為不可能的任務,部分知名的數據網站都判了利物浦死刑,他們分析在落後三球下,能於次回合逆轉晉級歐聯決賽的概率,只有6%。但今仗只能做坐上客的沙拿,並沒有因此而放棄,即使坐在後備席的他,也特意於比賽日穿上一件印有「Never Give Up」的衛衣,藉此鼓勵隊友永不放棄。球隊最後憑藉著球員們的拼勁及球迷們吶喊支持下,利物浦再創下奇蹟,次回合逆轉擊敗勁旅巴塞隆拿晉級歐聯決賽。 |

「奇蹟」並不只是在遙遠的歐洲大陸發生。上星期我有幸於葵青區學界籃球冠軍賽中,親自目睹我校運動員演出一場精彩的比賽。雖然我校在首三節分數落後,但教練及同學們並沒有因此而放棄,場邊打氣的同學、校友及老師們均齊心合力地為運動員吶喊助威,一浪接一浪的「Denfence! Denfence! 」、「加油! 加油!」 吶喊聲為運動員添上無比的正能量,憑藉同學們的堅定意志及拼勁,於最後一節的十分鐘,我校在落後的情況下演出逆轉奇蹟,最終以50:46擊敗傳統勁旅,勇奪冠軍殊榮。陳老師、鍾教練及參賽的每一位球員,你們的比賽精神是值得我們致敬。
蘇家樑 校長
28 May 2020
Any football fanatics are supposed to have a deep feeling about the result of quarter-final result of UEFA Champions League on 8 August because a miracle happened to Liverpool again. During the final in Istanbul in 2005, Liverpool finally won despite losing 3 scores in the first half and then scored the equalising goal against Milan; 14 years later, Liverpool beat Barcelona with strong determination of players and fans.

In the first half, Liverpool lost 3 goals. Many players like M. Salah and R. Firmino were unable to attend this important match due to injuries, so it was anticipated that Liverpool would not succeed in any circumstances. The chance was so dim that only 6% of success would be expected. Sitting at the back, M. Salah wore a hoody printed with ‘Never Give Up’, hoping to cheer them up. Out of expectation, Liverpool defeated Barcelona because of die-hard fans’ support and then entered the UEFA Champions League.
‘Miracles’ happen not only in Europe far away from us but also to us. Last week, I was lucky to witness our school basketball team members participate in a stunning Kwai Chung Interschool Basketball Final Competition. Our coach and students never gave up despite first three-quarter deficit. In fact, our students, teachers and alumni cheered them up and boosted their morale together. With determination and hard work, our team became the champion with the final result of 50 to 46, defeating the traditional long-winning team. This was indeed a miracle happening. I am respectful to our teacher Mr. Chan, our coach Mr. Chung and every team member for their sportsmanship.
Like a competition, life is full of ups and downs. There are also successes and failures in life. Even if you lose, you still deserve respect and face the failures positively. I am convinced that we can turn adversities into blessings. With persistence, we can be against all odds and miracles can happen anyway.
I hope all students will believe in ‘keep in faith’ and ‘never give up’!
Mr. So Ka Leung