

        雖然我在「葉紀南」任職校長的時間只有半年多,但也無損我與同學建立的深厚友誼,日日月月,我和同學們每天肩並肩、伴隨大家成長,欣喜見到「葉紀南」同學的態度友善有禮、親切可愛, 每日都會有不少同學主動與我打招呼,更有不少中六級同學與我分享他們的學校生活,從中讓我了解到有不少同學對自己的學業是有明確方向和目標,部分同學更對自己的興趣科目或工作,已經作出不少計劃及準備。同學們若你過往成績表現不錯的話,我希望你繼續努力學習,有機會可向同學們多分享你的學習心得;相反,若你成績表現稍遜,請不要放棄學習,對自己多一點信心,嘗試為自己定下目標,努力堅持到底,相信你會有突破的一天。

        我是一個足球迷,喜歡在足球比賽中尋找樂趣和啟發,在此想以一場經典足球賽事與各位同學分享,藉此勉勵大家。這場賽事於2005年在土耳其伊斯坦堡舉行的歐洲冠軍聯賽盃,是歐洲最高水平的足球賽事,當時英國的利物浦與意大利的AC米蘭打入決賽爭奪冠軍殊榮,為全世界球迷所關注。賽事開始至上半場,利物浦球隊已落後三球,在此高水平的賽事下,基本上已沒有爭勝的可能,球員們大多抱頭絕望、失去信心及鬥心; 但一班忠實的球迷,非但沒有放棄球隊,反而萬眾一心地在場邊高唱利物浦足球隊的會歌《You will never walk alone》,他們一鼓作氣,牽動著全體球員的情緒和鬥志,並揮動球會頸巾,以示支持所屬球隊。在這情況下,奇蹟的事情竟然發生了,利物浦眾球員在球迷支持下,咬緊牙關奮力作戰起來,在下半場球員很齊心地把足球一球又一球地打進對隊龍門內,最後下半場追回3比3平手的奇蹟,憑藉球員的堅持鬥心,最終利物浦球隊以十二碼獲得最後勝利,勇奪歐洲聯賽冠軍盃。

        常言道:「人生如比賽,有時順境、亦有時逆境」, 當順境時大家不要大意輕敵,但遇有逆境時,亦請大家也不要隨意放棄,應該學似利物浦球隊般,雖然於上半場落後三球,但憑藉著堅持到底的拚勁及打不死的精神,最後能以大逆轉的氣勢反勝對隊,創造奇蹟令人津津樂道。 同學們,你們是 --- You will never walk alone,其實你身邊有好多人關懷及支持的,無論校長、老師、同學及家人等都會默默地在你身邊為你打氣,就算面對逆境時,只要你抱持著應有的信心、樂觀的態度、擁有正向思維及打不死的精神,相信下一個的奇蹟將會出現於你們身上。


        各位畢業的同學,請謹記:『離開了學校,並不代表你的學習過程經已結束』,文憑試只是標示著人生歷程上的其中一個里程,我們每個人都應該不斷爭取機會進修,提升自己的競爭力,才能與時並進。 校長希望大家能抱持著母校的校訓,「明智顯悲」及「自利利他」的精神,將來把所學到的知識及技能,好好回饋社會,服務有需要的人士,為香港作出貢獻。



蘇家樑 校長



13 March 2018

Dear S6 Graduates,                                                                                                                   

     Yesterday's graduation ceremony is important to your growth, and it represents that you have formally completed your secondary school education. With all teachers, you have become grow-ups and learned studying by yourselves. Since your first school day, you have experienced ups and downs. Throughout these six years, your classmates, parents and teachers have given you lots of care and support. They shared happiness and sadness with you, helping you overcome every hurdle and giving you encouragement at the right time. I hope you will always feel blessed and thankful to them with words and actions for their support during your growth!

     Despite my principalship at YKN for more than six months, it is not difficult for me to establish a strong friendship with students. Every day, I feel very delighted to see the courtesy and politeness of YKN students. There have been many students greeting me and some S6 students sharing with me their school life, from which I understand that many students have their own clear directions and goals. Some of them have already made some plans and done some preparations for their subjects and jobs. I hope you will keep studying hard if your academic performances are good. You may share with secrets to success if possible. However, if your results are not good, do not give up. You should have more confidence in yourselves, try to set your goal and be persistent, and I am sure you will succeed one day.

     Being a football fanatic, I prefer finding interests and inspirations from football. To encourage all of you, I would like to share with all students a classical football match here. This is the 2005 UEFA Champions League Final organized in Istanbul, Turkey. The fanatics all over the world focused on this competition because of Liverpool and Milan in the final round. Basically, it was impossible for Liverpool to win in such a high level of competition because of losing three goals in the first half. So, most football players were in despair, lost confidence and fighting spirit; however, instead of giving up, its die-hard fans sang the song ‘You will never walk alone’, the Liverpool Football Club Anthem, which in turn aspired all players to fight back. With the waving Club’s scarves to show support, they made a miracle. Liverpool football players fought with the same goal and thus won the penalty shootout by a score of 3–2, winning UEFA Champions League Final.

     As the old saying goes, ‘life is like a game, and there are good time and bad time’. We should not be arrogant at good time and we should give up in adversity. We should learn from the miracle made by Liverpool. Despite failures, we can win when we persist till the end. All students will never walk along. There are a lot of people including Principal, teachers, classmates and family members caring and supporting you. Facing adversities, you can also make a miracle if you uphold your belief of positive attitude and have die-hard spirit.

     Time flies, but six years drains. To show every YKN student how we miss you, a big of ‘Wisdom Tips’, in which there is a pair of soft toys wearing our school’s uniforms as a souvenir, will be distributed. Apart from that, I have also handwritten a card of ‘life motto’ for every student to encourage, inspire and succeed if encountering any puzzles.

     Please bear in mind: ‘graduation from school does not mean the end of your studies’. The HKDSE Exam merely symbolizes a milestone in life. Every one of us should seize more opportunities for further studies and sharpening competitiveness to follow the latest development. I would like you to uphold our school motto: ‘To Illumine Wisdom and Manifest Compassion‘ and the spirit of altruism, giving back to society with all knowledge and skills acquired, serving the needy and making contributions to Hong Kong in future.

     I wish all S6 students every success in future. I also hope all will target at your goals, lead a practical and meaningful life every day, and develop your potential to the full.  


Mr. So Ka Leung









佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
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