Play Hard, Work Hard and Serve Smart



Play Hard

由九月開學到十二月期間,林林總總的學習活動,數也數不完,師生之間總是忙得不可開交, 當中包括運動會、學會活動、社際比賽及一些午間師生活動等,老師和同學們都非常投入參與;笑聲、掌聲、鬧哄哄的喧叫聲……瀰漫著整個校園,樂也融融。 近期最熱鬧的活動要算是《升中體驗FUN享日》,雖然我們籌備時間不多,但師生們卻非常有默契及有效率地於當日準備了豐富而又多姿多采的學習活動,包括「閃避球工作坊」、「數學比賽」、「STEM活動體驗」及各學習領域的攤位活動等,來自區內十數間友校及數百名師生及校友們共同分享「葉紀南」的學習活動,濟濟一堂,上下一心,絕對是我們的一個寶貴的學習體驗。


Serve Smart
我從活動日當中,觀察到同學們的待人、服務及處事等態度,真是值得欣賞的。雖然同學們面對素未謀面的來賓,但是他們盡顯大哥哥大姐姐風範,不但耐心地向來賓們介紹學校特色及講解活動內容,而且個個都面帶親切的笑容,自信滿滿和細心地從旁協助來賓參與攤位活動, 這種任勞任怨、樂於助人的高尚情操,正正是「葉紀南紀念中學」提倡的僕人領袖精神和態度,同學無私的付出和服務精神,令一眾嘉賓留下深刻的印象,實讓我最為欣賞的。  聯合國教育科學文化組織(UNESCO) 出版的「學習:內在的財富」(Learning :  the Treasure Within)一書中提到「學習的四大支柱」與我們的「生活素養」是息息相關及互相緊扣的,其中我認為最重要的一個學習支柱, 就是「學會與人相處」(learning to live together),從多方面的學習活動體會中,我絕對相信每一位「葉紀南」的同學們,於校園「學會與人相處」方面,應有不少實踐及發揮機會。


Work Hard
踏入十二月份,正是考試月份。 同學們正好認真利用這個機會,反思及了解自己在學習上的長處和短處,從考試評估中知悉自己能否達成目標,以及思考下一步如何能做得更好。 仍記起十二月份第二個星期開始,很明顯地有一條無形的分界線把熱鬧及寧靜的校園分開了,同學們大多收拾了學期初的心情,開始認真地找老師“惡補”自己學科不足、與同學交流學科不明白的地方,更有一些同學想找一個清靜地方溫習課本,埋首苦幹,各適其適,總之同學們能找到合適自己學習的方式便已足夠。


古語云:「勤有功,戲無益」,我相信在現今生活中,似乎有點需要調整,在中學的六年生活裏,不同時期有不同事情發生,究竟同學們應投放或重視那一項發展呢? 或許有很多人認為學習比起活動更為重要, 而我卻認為,學習和活動都同樣重要。只顧活動而不打好學問基礎,會讓成績每況愈下; 相反,一味只咀嚼書本而不參與任何有益身心的活動,又會令同學們思維變得狹窄及不懂與人相處,學習和活動不是對立的,只要我們能善於分配時間,兩者之間取得平衡,最後是可以相輔相成的。 「天生我材必有用」,其實同學只要認清自己,發揮自我,取人之長,補己之短,大家對著每件事情,都抱持著同一認真態度參與,不論是學習、服務及活動,都會取得豐碩的成果。


請各位謹記 Play Hard, Work Hard and Serve Smart

祝願各位同學繼續追尋自己的夢想! 新年快樂!

蘇家樑 校長


22 December 2017


     Even though time flies. I have felt the school life in YKN is joyful and fruitful within a few months.

Play Hard
     Starting from September to December, there have been numerous learning activities organized by both students and teachers, including Athletic Meet, House Events, Interhouse Competitions and lunchtime student-teacher activities etc. They were all so engaged in the activities that the campus was filled with laughter, applause and cheers. The most recent popular activity should be the ‘Experiential Fun Day for S1’. Despite inadequate preparation time, students and teachers conducted fun-filled learning activities such as ‘Dodgeball Workshop’, ‘Maths Competition’, ‘STEM Experiential Activity’ and other booth games of different key learning areas with high efficiency and minds in sync. There were altogether hundreds of students and teachers coming from tens of primary schools in the district joining the YKN learning activities. This is absolutely a valuable learning experience.

Serve Smart
     Observing our students’ attitudes while serving others and handling different tasks on the activity day, I can find that they are worthy of appreciation. With good manners of ‘Big Brothers and Big Sisters’, they patiently explained the school characters and content of the activities to all new guests. Wearing a smiling face, every one of them helped visitors whom they had never met before to partake in the booth games with confidence. Such literacy and helpfulness match with the servant leadership and attitude as promoted by YKN. Most importantly, the spirit of serving others and altruism impresses all guests. According to the ‘Learning: the Treasure Within’ published by UNESCO, there is a close relationship between ‘Four Pillars of Learning’ and ‘Living Literacy’. Of all the pillars of learning, I think ‘learning to live together’ is the most important. I do believe that every YKN student can have many opportunities to practise and develop themselves in the aspects of ‘learning to live together’ through different learning activities.

Work Hard
     As the exams will be held in December, our students should make use of this opportunity to reflect and understand themselves more about the strengths and weaknesses in learning. They should also know whether they can achieve goals through assessments as well as think of how to improve themselves in the next steps. I still recall the invisible line separating the hustle and bustle from tranquillity starting from the second week of December. Working harder since the first term, students started to consult teachers seriously for their weak subjects and exchange with classmates for any content they do not understand. Some students even look for quiet places to do revision. All in all, different students have their own ways to find out their own learning styles.

     As the old saying goes, ‘reward lies ahead of diligence, but nothing is gained by indolence’. I am sure that nowadays there should be some modifications in our daily life. Within these 6 school years, which development should students focus or spend more time on as there are different happenings in different periods? Maybe some people think that studying is far more important than participation in activities. However, I believe both are equally essential. If we focus too much on activities but not laying a good foundation in learning, the results will be getting worse and worse or vice versa. If students concentrate on studying without any healthy activities, they will become narrow-minded and do not understand how to get along with others. Thus, they are not mutually exclusive. When we strike a balance between these two, they can be complementary. ‘Everybody has something that they were born to be good at.’ What students have to do is to understand themselves, develop their strengths and improve weaknesses. With serious manner, we can achieve success no matter in learning, serving and joining any activities.   

     Please remember: Play Hard, Work Hard and Serve Smart.

     Follow your dreams! Happy New Year!


Mr. So Ka Leung

佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
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