Professional Exchange


2024年9月5日,校長及全體教師出席由胡少偉博⼠(北京師範⼤學哲學博⼠ (⽐較教育)、香港教育⼯作者聯會副會⻑) 主講的國安法與國安教育研討會。胡博⼠列舉香港學校課程有關國家安全教育的學習元素,當中包括國家觀念、國民身份認同、一國兩制、法治觀念、權利與義務、責任感、承擔精神、尊重他人及自律等概念。胡博⼠展示有關國家安全教育的學習內容,有關內容蘊含在不同學習領域/科目和德育、公民及國民教育,以及在中小學不同階段的學習進程。

Teacher Development Day

On September 5, 2024, the principal and all teachers attended the seminar on national security law and national security Education conducted by Dr. Wu (Ph.D. in Comparative Education, Beijing Normal University, Vice President of the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers) at our school seminar. Dr. Wu listed the learning elements of national security education in Hong Kong school curricula, including concepts such as national concepts, national identity, one country, two systems, the concept of the rule of law, rights and obligations, sense of responsibility, spirit of commitment, respect for others, and self-discipline. He demonstrated learning content related to national security education. The relevant content included different learning areas/subjects and moral education, civic and national education, as well as the learning process at different stages in primary and secondary schools.

Photo Ablum






Teacher Development Day (Data Analysis)

On 5th September 2024, Mr. Lau, Department Head of ICT, organized a workshop for all teachers to have a deeper understanding about Google Classroom for teaching and learning and data analysis for students with ample examples.





Workshop on Online Resources 
On August 26, English teachers attended a workshop hosted by Oxford University Press on how to utilize online resources. To aid teaching and learning, all teachers must make full use of updated online resources.





Orientation for new teachers

Our school has always paid attention to the induction system to promote the professional development of new teachers in an all-round way. Based on school-based support, through a series of related activities, we help new teachers solve a series of current and long-term needs, enhance their abilities, share and learn with experienced peers in actual working environments, and receive timely feedback for review. In this regard, Principal Lam, Vice Principal Long and other senior teachers of our school held an induction training class for all new teachers on August 20, 2024.

Photo Ablum





我校劉文龍老師於2024年7月7日在(大灣區)香港一條龍學校教育展會上與學生演講,重點介紹科學、技術、工程、藝術和數學來指導學生探究、討論和解決問題。他還解釋說,STEAM 教育不僅僅是培養實用技能。

STEAM Education

Our teacher, Mr. Lau Man Lung, made a presentation with his students at the (Greater Bay Area) Hong Kong Through-Train Schools Expo on 7 July 2024, focusing the approach to teaching and learning that combines science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math to guide student inquiry, discussion, and problem-solving. He also explained that STEAM education was about more than developing practical skills alone.



STEAM 教育教師專業發展日


Photo Ablum



Learning Community (Language Learning Support Section of EDB)
The LLSS of the Education Bureau creates a platform for English teachers from different schools to jointly study, explore, practice and share the results of curriculum innovation, gather professional knowledge and practical experience, implement curriculum initiatives in language education, and improve the effectiveness of learning and teaching. Our English teachers shared school-based experiences and results at the Education Bureau on June 26, 2024, shared resources, strengthened literary and cultural learning, and enriched students' English learning experience.









聚焦「新一代人工智能」的探索與實踐 — 深港聯合教育研討會活動


深圳市南湖小學,學校堅持以「創辦一所學生全面發展的,具有示範性、有品味的,可持續發展的精品學校」為目標。 致力培養「正直、善良、自信、勤奮、健康」的陽光少年。學校於1995年5月被評為深圳市一級學校。1997年被國家教委確認為首批全國中小學現代教育技術實驗學校,2004年被評為廣東省一級學校。

Photo Ablum




On February 6, there were 1 supervisor and 9 participants coming from The Education University of Hong Kong to our school for the practicum. We have long been supporting the Basic, Advanced and Thematic Course on Catering for Diverse Learning Needs and allowing participants to conduct the trial teaching so as to acquire the skills in designing and utilizing differentiated learning activities to cater students with diverse needs in the actual classroom environment. 

2月6日,香港教育大學導師1名、學員9名來本校實習。 我們一直支持「照顧多元學習需求」基礎、進階及專題課程,讓學員進行試教,以掌握在實際課堂環境中設計和運用差異化學習活動的技巧,照顧學生的不同需求。














Visiting Sister School

On December 15, vice principal, assistant principal and senior teachers of our school visited Shunde District Experimental Middle School for professional exchanges and experience sharing. Shunde District Experimental Middle School is a distinctive middle school in Shunde District. Through years of hard work, it has cultivated a rich artistic atmosphere and excellent campus culture. The school takes sublimating art education, stressing educational art, and promoting students' independent development as its school-running strategy, and its school-running goal of becoming a first-class school with art education characteristics in Guangdong Province. It boldly reforms and innovates. Over the years, the school has explored mature school-running models and educational strategies. Its social reputation has improved year by year. The college entrance examination enrollment rate has steadily increased, and the art college entrance examination ranks among the best.





寶安商會王少清中學 (8/12/2023)


Our principal conducted professional exchange and sharing with the staff of Po On Commercial Association Wong Siu Ching Secondary School on December 8.




迦密中學兩位老師於2023年11月29日前來本校與設計與科技科及 STEAM 組的老師,就「電纜四驅車」項目進行交流。

在交流中,本校負責「電纜四驅車」的楊卓穎老師闡釋了設計課程的理念及推行時的技術細節。當天於最近翻新的 STEM 活動室內進行,STEAM 組別負責人鄭俊業老師亦簡單介紹了 STEAM 活動室的設施及設計細節。

Two teachers from Carmel Secondary School came to our school on November 29, 2023 to exchange ideas with teachers from the Design and Technology Department and STEAM Team on the "Cable Four-wheel Drive Vehicle" project.

During the exchange, Ms. Yang, who is responsible for the "cable four-wheel drive" at our school, explained the concept of the design course and the technical details of its implementation. The day was held in the recently renovated STEAM Activity Room. Mr. Cheng, the leader of the STEAM Team, also briefly introduced the facilities and design details of the STEAM Activity Room.




到教育局分享教學經驗 (24/11/2023)


On 24 November 2023, Assistant Principal and English Panel Head, Mr. Chan and English teacher, Ms. Kwok were invited to share teaching experience at the Education Bureau, Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre by Language Learning Support Section, Education Bureau as a member of Learning Community (LC) for English Language Teachers.



佛教大雄中學到訪 (8/11/2023)

英語教師專業交流分享工作坊於2023年11月8日舉行,旨在為佛教大雄中學及佛教葉紀南念中學的教師提供一個提升教學的平台。 具體來說,參與教師為學生和同事帶來了互動式教學實踐,磨練了批判性思考能力、探究和分析方法。

The professional exchange and sharing workshop for English teachers was held on 8 November 2023 intended to provide teachers of Buddhist Tai Hung College and Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College with a platform to improve teaching and learning. Specifically, participating teachers brought interactive teaching practices to their students and colleagues, honing critical thinking skills, inquiry, and analytical approach.

Photo Ablum



新老師聚會 (17/10/2023)

蘇校長在10月17日舉行的新老師聚會,目的是為新聘教師掌握其專業角色,展現專業操守和價值觀,並汲取最新的教育政策和措施的資訊,以適切地應用 於教學工,闡明核心職責和責任。

New Teachers' Gathering

The purpose of the new teacher gathering held by Principal So on October 17 is to help newly hired teachers master their professional roles, demonstrate professional ethics and values, and learn about the latest education policies and measures so that they can be appropriately applied to teaching work. Core duties and responsibilities were also clarified.

Photo Ablum



許為天博士 – 國民教育的理念與實踐 (5/9/2023)

許博士為全體教師及文書人員舉辦上述主題的工作坊,因為這是全人教育的重要元素,培養正確的價值觀和態度,使他們能夠採取正確的行動應對未來的挑戰。 我校一直提倡價值觀教育,培養學生的價值觀和態度:毅力、尊重他人、責任、民族認同、承諾、正直、關心他人、以守法同理心、勤奮加強學習活動的協調性,增強價值觀教育各跨學科領域之間的聯繫,包括德育、公民教育、國民教育。

Dr. Hui Wai Tin – Concept and Practice of Nation Education (5/9/2023)

Dr. Hui conducted a workshop with the above topic for all teachers and clerical staff as this is an essential element of whole-person education fostering proper values and attitudes so that they could take proper action to deal with the challenges in future. Our school has been promoting values education through nurturing in their students the values and attitudes: "Perseverance", "Respect for Others", "Responsibility", "National Identity", "Commitment", "Integrity", "Care for Others", "Law-abidingness", "Empathy" and "Diligence" to strengthen the coordination of learning activities, and enhance the connection, among various cross-curricular domains in values education, including moral education, civic education, national education.

Photo Ablum




8 月 21 日舉行的入職研討會的目的是向新聘教師、文員和支援人員介紹學校及其文化、政策和程序。 蘇校長在研討會上向全體教職員介紹了學校的歷史、校訓、使命和願景。 入職培訓實際上是向新員工提供有關學校和他們將要從事的工作的信息的過程。 學校入職培訓計劃包括參考職位描述、當前部門工作慣例和程序,闡明該職位的核心職責和責任。

Induction Workshop for New Teachers

The purpose of the Induction Workshop, which was conducted on 21 August, is the process of introducing new employed teachers, clerical and support staff to the school, its culture, policies, and procedures. Principal So introduced the history, motto, mission and vision of the school to all staff at the workshop. The orientation was in fact the process of providing new staff members with information about the school and the job they will be performing. The school induction program included clarification of the core duties and responsibilities of the job, by reference to the job description, current departmental working practices and procedures.

Photo Ablum





On 21 June 2023, our S3 English teachers shared the teaching experience with other school teachers as invited by Language Learning Support Section of EDB.Through professional exchange and development, teachers can improve teaching and learning.




On 5/6/2023, the Evaluation Meeting of Language Learning Support Section (EDB) was organized to conclude the 3-year English project for sustainability.



非華語學生生涯規劃講座 (2/6/2023)


Our school is committed to encouraging non-Chinese speaking students to integrate into the society and enjoy equal educational support services. Therefore, our school provides a variety of professional support services for non-Chinese speaking students to improve their social and language skills. Arrange to leave the Chinese study group after class. On 2/6/2023, a seminar on non-Chinese speaking students career planning was conducted by Caritas Youth and Community Service at our school so that our teachers and staff have a deeper understanding of how to help non-Chinese speaking students, so that non-Chinese speaking students can receive comprehensive care. Through diversified learning activities, students can understand their own interests and abilities, and carry out early career planning plans for students, develop their vocational skills and help them connect to further education or employment.

Photo Ablum



Teacher Development Day

2023年5月23日教師發展日(學校自評) : 自評是質素保證架構的重要一環。本校為促進學校發展和問責,須持續進行自評。過去多年,進行自評的表現持續進步,並隨著經驗的累積把自評融入學校恆常的運作,以促進學校發展。善用學校現有的資料作為自評的憑證,避免不必要的文件記錄和準備工作。繼續鼓勵採用全校參與的模式進行自評,並根據自評結果制訂工作計劃,以有效貫徹「策劃—推行—評估」的自評循環理念,達致學校的持續進步,運用學校報告範本,記錄自評結果和規劃來年的發展計劃。為加強透明度和問責,通過本校網頁等不同渠道,讓主要持份者(包括家長)閲覽學校報告。學校是持續發展的,每年的校情均會改變,而面對的機遇、挑戰也會不同,所以學校每年都需要進行自評。學校於學期結束時評估過去一年工作計劃和各方面工作的成效(評估Evaluation),然後按學校的情況和兒童學習需要,策劃下學年的工作計劃(策劃Planning),在新學期推行有關的策略和工作時,管理層則擔負監察的角色(推行及監察Implementation & monitoring)。在計劃推行的過程中,學校會搜集有關評估的資料,以備學期結束時進行評估(Evaluation),參考優化的表現指標進行自評,不斷自我完善。

On May 23, 2023, we organized the Teacher Development Day (School Self-Evaluation): Self-evaluation is an important part of the quality assurance framework. To promote school development and accountability, our school conducted self-evaluation on an ongoing basis. Over the past few years, the performance of self-evaluation has continued to improve, and with the accumulation of experience, self-evaluation has been integrated into the regular operation of the school to promote school development. Make good use of the school's existing information as evidence for self-evaluation to avoid unnecessary documentation and preparation. To encourage the use of the whole-school participation model for self-evaluation, and formulate work plans based on the self-evaluation results to effectively implement the self-evaluation cycle concept of “planning-implementation-evaluation” to achieve continuous improvement of the school. We also use the school report template to record self-evaluation and review the results and plan the development plan for the coming year. In order to enhance transparency and accountability, the school report is made accessible to key stakeholders (including parents) through various channels such as the school website. The school is developing continuously, and the situation of the school will change every year, and the opportunities and challenges it faces will also be different, so the school needs to conduct self-evaluation every year. At the end of the school term, the school evaluates the work plan for the past year and the effectiveness of all aspects of work (Evaluation), and then plans the work plan for the next school year (Planning) according to the school's situation and students' learning needs, and implements relevant strategies in the new term. The management is responsible for the monitoring role (Implementation & monitoring). During the implementation of the plan, the school will collect relevant evaluation information for evaluation at the end of the term, refer to the optimized performance indicators for self-evaluation, and constantly improve itself.

Photo Ablum



Certificates for open class in 2nd term 2022-2023

Photo Ablum



A Workshop of Empowering English Teachers with Modern AI Tools

On 25th April, the English Department organized a workshop on empowering English teachers with modern AI tools at the English Corner and shared ideas with the teachers of Lions College. This staff development workshop helped all to make improvement in teaching and learning.

Photo Ablum





On March 14, 2023, the principal and teachers of Tsang Pik Shan (Sung Lan) Secondary School paid a visit to us. Our principal shared them with the experience in establishing school facilities such as the theatre and the library. Then, they toured around the campus.

Photo Ablum





On March 8, 2023, the principal and teachers of Lions College visited our school. After introducing the education mission and vision, Principal So shared our experience in planning, implementing and evaluating the project of the school's facilities in detail, and then, they started the campus tour.

Photo Ablum




The Community Drug Advisory Council is a voluntary organization dedicated to promoting drug education and health education. It was supported by a group of parents and professionals who were enthusiastic about drug abuse among young people. After years of continuous efforts to develop with accumulated experience, it has now developed into a professional social service organization, providing appropriate services to the community.

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自主學習公開課 : 本校教師參與香港中學校長會主辦的自主學習活動,結成學習共同體,促進校長專業發展和各校教師專業交流,共同提升教學質素。

Photo Ablum




Our Principal organized a meeting for all new teachers to help them have a deeper understanding about our school routine on 20th October 2022.
校長於 2022 年 10 月 20 日為所有新教師召開了一次會議,以幫助他們更深入地了解我們的學校常規。

Photo Ablum







There were many principals of secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens not only in Kwai Tsing but also from other districts visiting our school on 8th September for professional exchanges.

Photo Ablum



Joint-School Teacher Professional Development Day

Photo Ablum



Language Learning Support Section Meeting





School Visit by Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery for Professional Exchange

Photo Ablum



Visit to TWGHs S C Gaw Memorial College

Photo Ablum 




Visit to Buddhist Sam Heung Lam Memorial College

Photo Ablum 







Professional Exchange with English Department of Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College 

Photo Ablum



"Self Regulated Learning Festival " by Hong Kong Association of the Heads of Secondary Schools









Professional Exchange with Father Cucchiara Memorial School 

Photo Ablum







Visit to Buddhist Wong Wan Tin College Campus TV

Photo Ablum







Seminar for Middle Management by Dr. Yim Chi Shing (Principal of Munsang College Hong Kong Island)

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Open Class 香港中學校長會「自主學習節–公開課」

Photo Ablum







OUP i-Solution Workshop

Photo Ablum







Life Education Workshop

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Visit to Fanling Kau Yan College

Photo Ablum







Seminar on National Secruity Education

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Seminar by Samaritan Befrienders HK

Photo Ablum







Language Learning Support Section (EDB)

Photo Ablum







IP Phone Workshop
IP Phone 工作坊

Photo Ablum







CUHK Support: Professional Exchanges between Middle-level Leaders

Photo Ablum








Solid Memory Workshop for English Teachers

Photo Ablum



2021-2022 Induction Program for New Teachers and Staff



EdUHK Corpus-based ELT Lesson Design Competition (2021 Spring)

2nd Runner-up
Po Yi KWOK (郭寶怡老師)









EDB's Language Learning Support Section Meeting

Photo Ablum







Language Learning Support Section (EDB) Meeting
語文教學支援組(EDB) 會議

Photo Ablum








Graduation Ceremony Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership (HKCDEL)HKIER, CUHK
香港中文大學 香港教育研究所 香港教育領導發展中心 學校行政管理支援課程畢業典禮

Photo Ablum






Induction Program for New Teachers and Staff
Photo Ablum







i-Solution by Oxford University Press
Photo Ablum






Resources Management (The Methodist Lee Wai Lee College)

Photo Ablum







Integrated Humanities and Liberal Studies (Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School)
Photo Ablum







E-Learning and Student Support (Fortress Hill Methodist Secondary School)

Photo Ablum







English (Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College)

Photo Ablum

佛教葉紀南紀念中學 Buddhist Yip Kei Nam Memorial College
訪客人次: 7836521
地址: 香港新界青衣長青邨
Address: Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T., Hong Kong
電話(Tel): 2495 3363
傳真(Fax): 2433 9009
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